We recently visited Kevin Wagner, a PT at Train Boston in Wellesley, to seek advice on healing an MCL sprain. Kevin is a movement guru who has provided us with some of our favorite strength exercises we integrate into Cardio High programming. Kevin offered a couple of exercises to build knee stability and leg strength. Our favorite is a variation of the single leg deadlift that incorporates thoracic spine rotation. The movement;
Stand on one leg with knee slightly bent - and hinge at hips until opposite leg is braced with foot against a wall. Use a light weight (10 pounds) in the hand that's opposite leg on floor. Without hinging hips simply rotate the torso and reach the hands towards the foot that's on the floor. You should feel this exercise in the outer part of the lower leg and in the hip area. This is safe to do even with an MCL sprain.
We will try to integrate this movement into smaller groups in the next few weeks at Cardio High.
Mark G.